Diane Louise Jordan

  • Diversity and Inclusion

  • Black History Month

  • Motivational

  • Presenter & Host


DIANE LOUISE JORDAN served audiences and communities as a TV and Radio broadcaster for over 30 years. In 1990, Diane made front page news as the first black presenter of BBC1’s legendary Blue Peter. Diane has hosted many iconic British programmes, including BBC1’s Songs of Praise, and BBC Radio Two’s long running The Sunday Hour.

Diane has dedicated the last three years to creating legacy through her oral history archive, The Making of Black Britain, which recently launched on Google Arts and Culture, exploring what it means to be British, giving the people of Britain the chance to Speak, Listen, Belong.  She has created a national archive collecting stories from “every class and colour” through the generations to find out “what it really means to be British.  Diane’s parents are from Jamaica. 

Diane believes we can all make a difference to help organisations to recruit, retain and promote a much more diverse workforce .  Diane speaks about her own personal journey as a daughter of the Windrush generation.