Motivational and Inspirational Speakers

Alex Staniforth

Alex Staniforth is an expert in resilience and achieving through adversity.

At just 27, he has already survived the two biggest disasters in Mount Everest history as a teenager. However, his biggest challenges have been much closer to home, suffering with epilepsy, stammering, bullying and mental illness since childhood.

As an inspirational and international speaker, Alex is committed to helping teams and leaders build their resilience to take advantage of adversity and improve their well-being with healthy conversations.

Anna Hemmings

Anna Hemmings is Britain’s most successful female marathon kayaker with a staggering eleven World and European Championship medals, 9 of them gold. She is now a leading inspirational speaker on resilience and high performance. In her speeches, Anna reveals the thinking, methodology and techniques she used to become a world champion 6 times and how those strategies can be applied directly to the business world. With 18 years of experience on the speaker circuit, Anna’s speeches and masterclasses have been enjoyed and valued, in more than 25 different countries, across a variety of industries.

Anna McNuff

Anna McNuff is an adventurer, bestselling author and self-confessed mischief maker. Named by The Guardian as one of the top female adventurers of our time, Condé Nast Traveller included her in a list of the 50 most influential travellers in the world, alongside Sheryl Sandberg and Sir Richard Branson. She is the UK ambassador for Girlguiding and has run, swum and cycled over 20,000 miles across the globe. Anna's high energy talks are life lessons from the road, told with raw honesty, humour and passion.

Ashley John-Baptiste

An RTS-nominated BBC broadcast journalist, Digital Senior Reporter for BBC News and inspirational Speaker, Ashley has an extraordinary story of overcoming a troubled childhood to study at Cambridge, one of the world’s best universities.  Ashley was taken into care at the age of two and moved between foster families and children’s homes. Ashley tells the story of his disjointed upbringing in an uplifting, inspirational and often humorous way.  

Brendan Hall

Brendan Hall is a Round the World Yacht Race winning skipper, teamwork author and international keynote speaker. He helps leaders and teams become stronger through periods of adversity and change by improving the way they work together and collaborate.  

Caspar Berry

After starting his working life as an actor in BBC drama Byker Grove alongside Ant and Dec, Caspar studied economics at Cambridge before making the momentous decision to move to Las Vegas and become a professional poker player. Now a veteran of over 2,000 speeches in 30 countries, Caspar uses this unique experiences to deliver challenging messages about risk-taking and decision-making to maximize returns in an increasingly uncertain world.

Charlie Gray

A Londoner, born and bred, Charlie Gray is a 9/11 survivor whose day began pretty much the same as any other day of his 36 years working in New York, however what happened next changed his life and the world forever.  Having lost countless friends and colleagues during the tragic events, Charlie has suffered from PTSD and ‘guilt syndrome’.  Charlie is now based in the UK and feels his unique knowledge and experience of this day should be shared and spoken about in the hope that something like this never happens again. 

Charlie Martin

Charlie is an inspirational and thought provoking speaker with a unique story.   The first transgender professional racing driver in a predominantly male dominated sport, Charlie is a pioneer of transgender and LGBTQ+ inclusivity in sport.

Chris Lemons

Chris has been a commercial diver for over 16 years specializing in deep sea Saturation diving, operating almost exclusively in the Oil and Gas Industry.  In 2012, a freak equipment failure resulted in Chris being left on the seabed, in complete darkness 300 feet below the surface, with only the 5 minutes of breathing gas he carried in the emergency tanks on his back, and no way to protect himself from the freezing temperatures.  It took his heroic rescuers over 40 minutes to come back and fetch him, and his miraculous survival story has baffled experts ever since.  His extraordinary story was subsequently immortalised in the hit Netflix/BBC documentary 'Last Breath’. 

Chris Moon MBE

Chris Moon shares experience on the balance of life and death to give a road map for endurance and resilience in our time. He's one of the few westerners to survive as a prisoner of the Khmer Rouge negotiating his release and that of his two Cambodian colleagues. He was blown up by a landmine in a ‘safe area’, losing his right arm and leg. Surviving against all odds he taught himself to run again. Chris has considerable experience of working with diverse organisations and delivering virtual as well as live presentations.

Chrissie Wolfe

Chrissie is a multi award-winning solicitor, entrepreneur, careers coach and business consultant whose unconventional route to success has inspired thousands of professionals across to world to persevere in the face of adversity. She is the founder of Law and Broader, a self-employed freelance consultant to legal businesses and a social media influencer with a following in excess of 80,000. Chrissie is an experienced public speaker, event host, panellist and moderator in the legal and marketing industries and beyond. Chrissie is passionate about education, diversity and inclusion, helping individuals to cultivate a fulfilling career and helping businesses to build an inclusive and engaging culture.

Colin Maclachlan

Colin is well known for his starring role in Channel 4’s reality TV drama SAS: Who Dares Wins and Channel 5’s ‘Secrets of the SAS’. Selected to join the SAS at age 23, only a handful of men have been involved in hostage negotiations, hostage rescue and been a hostage themselves and Colin is one of them. After leaving the SAS, Colin funded himself through University and attained a First Class MA (Hons) in History from Edinburgh University and an M.Litt in Terrorism from St. Andrews University. Colin speaks on Survival, Communication, Determination, Education, Leadership, Motivation, Performance, Planning, Resilience, Risk and Teamwork.

Debra Searle

Debra is a professional adventurer and serial entrepreneur.  Her expeditions have taken her across the Atlantic, around Antarctica, up to the Arctic Circle and everywhere in between.  She has also launched five companies, is a published author, has presented for the BBC and is a trusted corporate speaker. The movie of Debra’s Atlantic rowing story is currently in development in Hollywood.

Dominic Colenso

By the time he was 26 Dominic Colenso had flown a spaceship, lost one million dollars and been fired by Simon Cowell. A former Hollywood actor, theatre director and teacher at the Royal Academy Of Dramatic Art, he now empowers businesses, sales teams and leaders to increase the impact of their communication and perform at their best under pressure. Drawing on his extensive experience on stage and screen, Dominic shares the secret tools and techniques used by the world’s best actors to help your audience unlock their own star performance.

Geoff Ramm

Geoff Ramm, the creator and author of Celebrity Service and Celebrity Service Superstars, knows that great customer service leads to lucrative, repeat business but a greater experience leads to global recognition. His interactive keynotes have challenged and audiences. Geoff delivers an energetic, humorous speech with original content that will challenge you to achieve greater results.

Greg Searle

Olympic Gold medallist, Greg Searle, draws upon his experience of elite performance with an incredible 20 year span, to help his audience understand how they can change their own behaviour to deliver better results. He speaks on a range of topics including Culture, Collaboration, Resilience, Dealing with change, Emotional Connection and Engagement and Teamwork.

James Ketchell

James Ketchell is a record breaking aviator, adventurer, speaker and scouting ambassador.   James is the first and only person to have rowed across the Atlantic Ocean, successfully summit Mount Everest and cycle 18,000 miles around the world, in what the media dubbed ‘The Ultimate Triathlon’.  In 2019 he became the first person to circumnavigate the globe in his open cockpit gyrocopter. The mission was to inspire a million young people in classrooms over the world to pursue their own goals and dreams.

Jamie McDonald

Against all odds, Jamie McDonald has become something of an Adventurer. Something of a Superhero, named Adventureman. Jamie is unique in his ability to keep going, even when times are tough. In fact, since defying the odds to beat a debilitating childhood condition, he’s proved it beyond all doubt twice, breaking two of the toughest endurance Guinness world records on the planet in the process.

With all the challenges under his belt, Jamie has raised more than £1 million for charity and in 2019 was awarded the Pride of Britain ‘Fundraiser of the Year’ and continues giving back helping other sick kids in need through the charity he founded, Superhero Foundation.

Jez Rose

Jez Rose is a professional speaker, award-winning entrepreneur, internationally renowned human behaviourist, communication and mindset expert, author and media personality. Supported by glowing testimonials, his formidable reputation in the conference and incentives industry has been established by his unique ability to explore complicated topics in an accessible way with tremendous clarity, warmth and humour.

John Hotowka

John Hotowka is a motivational speaker. He enables individuals and teams to build resilience, banish anxiety, manage high-speed change and thrive with confidence so they become even more productive and effective. How? By sharing proven practical insights and tools that can be applied immediately.

John Volanthen

John Volanthen’s story is one in a million. In his fascinating uplifting and gripping motivational / keynote speech, John takes his audience on the journey of a lifetime with the story of the Thailand cave rescue mission during the summer of 2018. With heart-pounding anecdotes, he highlights the importance of perseverance, determination, and preparation, and explains why he believes success in life is rarely due to “luck.”  John communicates what it was like to be there and the joy he felt when the rescue was all over.

Joze Piranian

Joze Piranian is a lifelong stutterer turned Forbes featured Global TEDx Speaker on Inclusion and Resilience. Joze avoided speaking for more than 25 years out of the fear of being judged for being different. Joze has now delivered hundreds of stand-up comedy and speaking engagements about Inclusion and Resilience at leading corporations around the world including Tesla, Dell and Diageo.

Kate Richardson-Walsh

Kate is the most capped female hockey player in her country’s history, and was captain of GB women’s hockey teams for 13 years. An inspirational and charismatic leader, she has been widely credited for helping build the incredible team ethos and commitment that drove the GB team to a nail-biting victory at the Rio Olympic Games.  In winning gold Kate also made history in other ways, becoming one half of the first same-sex married couple to win an Olympic medal playing in the same team.  Kate has a credible and interesting story, she speaks about Teamwork, Cohesion, Identity and her story is professional, relatable and emotive. 

Katie Neeves

Katie Neeves is a transgender speaker who helps organisations with diversity and inclusion by providing trans awareness training and inspirational speaking in an entertaining way, using humour to break down barriers.

Mandy Hickson

Mandy Hickson is a former Royal Air Force pilot and Human Factors facilitator. She was the only female pilot on her Front Line Tornado Squadron, flying multimillion pound fast jets. Mandy has been the keynote speaker at hundreds of events. Relaying her experiences of working with an elite team of fast jet operators with command and clarity, outlining the many ways in which the same values can be applied within any environment, Mandy is truly inspirational.

Mark Beaumont

Having cycled around the World twice, Mark now holds this 18,000-mile record in 78 days & 14 hours – achieving the famous ‘Around the World in 80 Days’ for the first time by bicycle.   An experienced and hugely engaging keynote and after dinner speaker, Mark’s speeches are incredibly inspirational, often humorous and very memorable.

Mark Colbourne

Mark is a former world and Paralympic gold medallist cycling champion from the London 2012 Paralympic Games. Mark overcame adversity in 2009 when he suffered a near fatal accident in a paragliding crash which left him with lower leg paralysis. Upon retirement Mark became an international speaker and coach. He has delivered inspiring and motivational presentations, both virtually and in person, to thousands of people around the world.

Matt Ellison

Matt Ellison is a highly sought-after, entertaining and thought-provoking transgender speaker. His life experience as a trans man continues to fascinate and inspire audiences of all kinds in both private and public sectors across the U.K. and internationally. His insights on transformation and change, as someone who has made such a huge and fundamental change himself, apply to everyone in all areas of professional and personal life. Matt tells his incredible story with messages around discrimination, resilience, change, LGBT, diversity and inclusion. 

Nick Elston

Nick Elston is one of the highest-profile and leading Inspirational Speakers on the Lived Experience of Mental Health. Nick shares his ‘Lived Experience’ through insights, tools, tips and techniques on how to manage Anxiety in Life, in Business – to implement immediately.

Nick Saunders

In an era where employee engagement is down to 15% and 4 in 10 employees report some form of interpersonal conflict at work, Nick helps individuals and teams transform the way they operate with others. He specialises in communication, collaboration and conflict resolution – enabling people and teams to work together more effectively.

Nicolas Hamilton

Born with Cerebral Palsy, which affects the movement of his leg muscles, Nicolas was initially a wheelchair user. He endured years of gruelling, painful training so that by the age of 17 he could walk completely unaided. A huge achievement in itself, but this was just the first part of his unwavering determination to become a professional racing driver.

As well as racing, Nicolas is focused on sharing his inspirational story and his belief that your ambition is limited only by your attitude.

Paul Adamson

Paul Adamson is an inspiring Leader and Motivational Speaker with a unique and exciting story. A professional sailor and Business Consultant turned entrepreneur, Paul has been key to the successful turn-around of Oyster Yachts. Paul has been invited to speak and work with global business leaders and Leadership, Sales, Marketing & HR professionals and their teams to fulfil their potential. Delivering performance programmes and tailored speeches on Developing change, Sales, Entrepreneurialism and Business Strategy to multinational companies, Paul’s unique and engaging personality will empower, motivate and inspire your audience. 

Penny Mallory

As a troubled, runaway homeless teenager in London, Penny hit rock bottom. Against all odds, she turned her life around and made the impossible possible to become a Champion Rally Driver. Now, as a leading Authority on Mental Toughness, Penny delivers keynotes, webinars, workshops and coaching to help individuals, teams and organisations to develop their confidence, commitment, focus and determination.

Perry McCarthy

Perry McCarthy’s incredible story is legendary. 

He is a championship winning racing driver, best-selling author and was ‘The Stig’ from the BBC Top Gear motoring show. With over 1500 corporate appearances to date, Perry is in high demand to deliver inspirational and motivational speeches linking his unique experience and attitude to the world of business and its requirements.

Preethi Nair

Preethi Nair, author of Gypsy Masala, is a keynote speaker, writer and entrepreneur whose incredible story motivates audiences all over the world. Social entrepreneur Preethi pioneered a global business from her bedroom and now inspires and empowers audiences on the ability of overcoming obstacles, diversity, story telling and the art of possibility.

Tim Campbell

A passionate and recognised advocate of Inclusion, Education, Empowerment and Entrepreneurship, Tim is an accomplished and professional motivational, keynote and business speaker who has spoken at a number of global events.   He is regularly called on to speak at corporates and educational establishments on Inclusion, Entrepreneurialism, Change and Mentoring.

Tony Morris

Tony Morris helps sales teams triple their conversion rates in under 12 weeks. A conversion strategist and author of 5 books, Tony works with organisations and leaders to ask better questions and get better results. Bringing actionable, practical, real-life techniques, Tony conducts LIVE SALES CALLS on stage, to the audiences dream prospects, to demonstrate and bring to live the techniques he teaches.

Tori James

Tori James is a record-breaking adventurer who has taken on some of the most extreme challenges on our planet. Tori is an accomplished speaker with over 15 years of experience. Having delivered over 400 talks around the globe, Tori provides a unique perspective on everyday business challenges, teamwork and personal ambition. She challenges conventional thinking and empowers others to achieve remarkable things.