Charlie Gray

Charlie Gray

Speaking Topics

  • Overcoming Adversity

  • Dealing with crisis

  • Motivation

  • Communication

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing


11 September 2001 is a date that we will never forget, it is the date of one of the most cataclysmic events in American history.  On this date, Charlie began his day pretty much the same as any other day, however what happened next changed his life and the world forever.

Charlie had been working for various financial institutions during his 36 years in New York and was working for ICAP on the 26th floor of the iconic World Trade Centre, North Tower on 11th September when the building took the impact of American Airlines Flight 11.  Charlie recalls the building moving violently and the confusion and alarm that followed.  He and his colleague’s initial thoughts were that an earthquake had struck and at this time everyone remained extremely calm.  When they lost all power, lighting and phone lines, Charlie and his colleagues were instructed to evacuate via the stairs.  Their descent from the 26th floor via the stairwell was painfully slow and by the time they reached the 17th floor they learnt from the fire crew who were climbing the staircase, that the second plane had already hit the South Tower.

Highlighting the incredible efforts of the emergency services, Charlie recalls not only the tragic loss of lives in the Twin Towers but also those who still suffer from long-term medical conditions as a result of the trauma, dust and toxins they were exposed to that day.

Having lost countless friends and colleagues during the tragic events, Charlie has suffered from PTSD and ‘guilt syndrome’.  Charlie is now based in the UK and feels his unique knowledge and experience of this day should be shared and spoken about in the hope that something like this never happens again. 

Charlie is much in demand as an inspirational and keynote speaker, in particular, as the 20 year anniversary of this devastating event approaches.  His personal and thought provoking story includes messages of: Overcoming adversity, Dealing with Crisis, Motivation and Communication.


Mid Kent College

"Thank you to Charlie for his presentation, and for spending over half an hour answering questions from students including the nature of communication issues immediately after the attacks, further details on the specific support that emergency teams were able to provide, marking the events with acts of remembrance, and the longer-term impact on himself as well as family and friends. For students preparing for careers in travel and uniformed public services, the opportunity to hear about these events first-hand from Charlie was invaluable for their development, increased their understanding recent historical events, and added meaning to the news coverage that they will see this week related to the attack." -


Get in touch
+44(0) 7814 934 740


Caspar Berry


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