Perry McCarthy



Speaking Topics

  • Motivation, Inspiration, Teamwork

  • Performance and Determination

  • Work Ethic and Resilience

  • Recognising and Creating Opportunities

  • Commitment and Communication

  • Teamwork

  • Marginal Gains

  • Data in Formula 1


Perry McCarthy’s incredible story is legendary. 

He is a championship winning racing driver, best-selling author and was ‘The Stig’ from the BBC Top Gear motoring show. With over 1500 corporate appearances to date, Perry is in high demand to deliver inspirational and motivational speeches linking his unique experience and attitude to the world of business and its requirements.

From working 14 hours per day 7 days a week on North Sea oil rigs to fund his early career, to finally becoming a Grand Prix driver, he constantly overcame huge hurdles, including serious injury, to pursue his dream. Starting late in life and with no money, Formula 1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone told McCarthy that his chances of making it to F1 were about a million to one against.

However, Perry’s bubbly character coupled with his determination, resilience, and absolute refusal to concede defeat beat those odds and has made him a highly popular personality within the sport. 

Perry McCarthy entertains and engages audiences by speaking with passion and his famous humour and about the fiercely competitive demands of international motor racing and what it takes as an individual to beat the odds and create opportunities. 

The Telegraph headlined him as ‘a new cult hero’ and America’s Sunday Express called him ‘a comedian locked inside a racing driver’s body. 


PR Manager, Audi

“With Perry you can always guarantee that your guests are going to have a fun time. His ability to grab everyone’s attention and make them laugh has ensured that we book him on a regular basis.”

Marketing Manager, Bang & Olufsen

“Perry’s talks never fail to impress, amuse and delight the audience … is there no end to this man’s library of tales?”

HBOS plc

Very entertaining speech by Perry. Great that he used short stories to entertain. Much appreciated and would recommend him for future work.


Get in touch
+44(0) 7814 934 740


Penny Mallory


Preethi Nair