Nick Saunders



Speaking Topics

  • Collaboration

  • Communication

  • Conflict Resolution


Excellent communication and collaboration is more important than ever as we re-establish face to face relationships with colleagues, clients and stakeholders.

In an era where employee engagement is down to 15% and 4 in 10 employees report some form of interpersonal conflict at work, Nick helps individuals and teams transform the way they operate with others. He specialises in communication, collaboration and conflict resolution – enabling people and teams work together more effectively. 

Nick reveals how to win over anyone and everyone. He has developed a powerful, practical 6 step model that enables colleagues and teams to work together more effectively, collaborate more successfully and function more professionally – all of which leads to improved performance.

Nick is known as The Family Man because he demonstrates that workplaces are like families; you can choose your friends but families and work colleagues you’re stuck with. However, you can still get on with them and Nick illustrates how…by turning relationships into results.

He is the author of the No.1 bestselling book “You can choose your friends…” and is known as The Family Man - for his unique comparison methods.

Put simply, he is a Collaboration and Practical Communications Specialist who helps turn relationships into results.


General Manager, Mercedes-Benz

“Nick was really well received by our dealers. They found his speech extremely beneficial and will take the skills back to their businesses. His content and relevance with the topic certainly exceeded our expectations”

British Airways

“What a brilliant speech from Nick who really makes you think about how your behaviour influences others”


“Nick’s delivery of the Insights profile was so powerful. It clarified why certain colleagues behave the way they do and gave me tools on how to best approach them”


Get in touch
+44(0) 7814 934 740


Nick Elston


Nicolas Hamilton