Mark Colbourne MBE



Speaking Topics

  • Resilience

  • Overcoming Adversity

  • Mindset

  • Motivation


Mark Colbourne MBE is a former world and Paralympic cycling champion from the London 2012 Paralympic Games. Mark overcame adversity in 2009 when unfortunately he broke his back in a near fatal paragliding crash. This unprecedented change left mark with lower leg paralysis but it did not dampen his spirits to go on and achieve the status of Olympian at a home games. Mark trained non-stop for two years to be selected to represent Paralympics GB at the epic successful home games.

After overcoming adversity and becoming a world leader in resilience, Mark not only won a gold medal in cycling on the velodrome but also broke two world records in one day to put his stamp on the world of track cycling.

Upon retirement in 2014 mark chose a career as an international speaker and coach, and to date has presented at over 200 conferences across the globe. His winning mindset and excellent delivery of information has been requested by many FTSE250 to name but a few.


Lucozade Ribena Suntory LTD

"Mark’s recent presentation to our national Sales team was uplifting, inspirational and a fantastic way to end the event! His personal story of courage in the face of such adversity, setting really stretching personal goals and his commitment to achieving them will inspire even the most cynical amongst us to achieve more…" 

Wiltshire Council

"Mark Colbourne MBE was an absolute pleasure to have at the Wiltshire Business and Sports Annual Gala Dinner this year. This is the second dinner that Mark has spoken at for us and his emotional story had enough variation that it was just as brilliant as the first time. Mark is truly inspiring and thoroughly recommended." 

The North School

"We are incredibly grateful to Mark for presenting at the Sports Awards evening on Tuesday. With the change in leadership and priorities of the school, it was so important that we made this an outstanding evening. With Mark’s contribution, it was indeed just that. The fact that he was given a standing ovation was a testament as to how good he was. The feedback from the headteacher was that Mark was the best guest speaker she had been witness too despite having seen a considerable number over the years. To have obtained someone of Mark’s calibre as the guest speaker meant the evening will live long in the memory of those fortunate to have heard Mark’s story."


Get in touch
+44(0) 7814 934 740


Mark Beaumont


Matt Ellison