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Mark Beaumont


"We asked Mark to talk to all of the Practice Managers in Devon (120) and reflect on the COVID journey that everyone has been on. It was an inspirational talk supported by the brilliant adventures he has been on. Mark made the effort to understand the strains General Practice and Practice Managers have been and continue to be under and the determination needed linked to cycling 18,000 miles around the world. We were brilliantly pleased with the whole outcome and it was great to see people smiling and taking some new found resilience in the face of adversity."

Grocery Innovations Canada

·         “That was AMAZING!  Talk about great content for a mid-day/mid-week convo!  INCREDIBLE imagery, inspiring messages!”

·         “It’s nice to see passion and drive and be inspired and re-invigored by it!”

·         “The timing of his message was exceptional when the world is simply feeling a little tired with the weight of Covid and it was great to hear some very positive reinforcement from someone who clearly steps back – takes a look on how to change the game plan in front of him to deliver the Win!”

·         “What a great story… yes this was a great session.”

·         “Very inspiring!”   

Major jewellery retailer

“Mark’s journey has been quite extraordinary – a unique inspiring story that quite literally grasped our guests from the moment he first spoke to his final words. He has a natural skill of drawing in his audience with his tales of perseverance in situations that many others would have been defeated by. His life and experiences resonated and mirrored that of our business partners, making his delivery perfect.”


“Mark was great to work with.  Mark is very open and honest about his experience and views, which made for an interesting and inspiring conversation that was bespoke to our objectives. I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Mark as a speaker.”