
Preethi Nair

Deutsche Bank

“An amazing speaker.”

Morgan Stanley Investment Bank

“She is an excellent speaker with a really positive vibe about her.”

Director of Diversity and Inclusiveness, Ernst & Young

“Story telling is not a new concept in corporate life, but it is used by few effectively. Preethi's skill in this arena held a room spellbound.”

Futures Program Coordinator - National Housing Federation

“The room was captivated as Preethi told us an intertwining selection of stories whilst offering invaluable tips for the group. I would go out of my way to see Preethi talk again, she is a master with words and a genuine and hugely likeable character.”

Diana Memorial Award

“An inspiring, powerful story –just wonderful”

Innovation Dublin

"Simply amazing! Preethi left the audience feeling that any dream is possible if you keep trying; that obstacles come to us to test our resolve in pursuit of that dream and overcoming these obstacles is a positive character building exercise rather than a hurdle! Positivity and energy exude from this lady, and it is completely infectious! MORE!”